Development of a prototype for converting agricultural residues into animal feed using heterotrophic microalgae.
The "AlgoWert" project aims to pilot a sustainable, resource-saving technology that converts plant by-products into usable components (in particular protein-rich algae biomass) in the immediate area of agricultural operations and to integrate it into daily routine. In the project, side streams from vegetable production are processed via hydrolysis and use of the hydrolysate as a nutrient source for heterogeneous microalgae (tested using the alga Galdieria sulphuraria as an example).
The final product is a protein-rich algae biomass, which can be used on site by the farmers involved from Lower Saxony, as feed for pig fattening. In addition to piloting the process on site and integrating it into the daily routine of the farm, the focus of the project is the establishment of new value chains. The project also provides for an intensive exchange with external farmers in order to continuously improve the process during the project period, to achieve complete integration and to achieve marketability.

Alogowert: Sustainable, resource-saving technology for converting plant by-products into usable components.